Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Update on BS8484

I'm often being asked by customers questions about BS8484 and feedback indicates that there is a level of misinformation in the market.

BS8484 is an important and wide ranging draft code of practice that, until its ratification and introduction, provides an opportunity for a small number of companies or customers to misinterpret or misrepresent elements of its content.

These are the facts as they stand:
BS8484 is now a code of practice (COP) and is still in draft format, currently on its second version for public comment. BSI have issued a clear warning (as they do with all draft standards and COP's) that it is a draft and must not be regarded or used as a British Standard. The current draft calls for comments on its content to be received by 31st January 2009. The current draft is noted by BSI as not being current beyond this date.

Connexion2’s position:
It is Connexion2’s desire and intent to be compliant with any and all relative legislation and/or standards that apply to its business and customers and this will include BS8484. We do not however see any logic at this stage in being drawn on specific elements of this or any other standard until published. To do so would be folly as they are subject to comment and change before being published.

Please note:
Significant input into BS8484 is being made by the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO), the British Security Industry Association (BSIA) and the NHS. The latter’s involvement is in part because they are the UK’s largest employer of lone workers but in part to ensure parity with their own expectations and requirements of a lone worker solution. Connexion2 works in partnership with all of these bodies, has been a BSIA member for more than 2 years and has achieved ACPO ‘Secured By Design’ status for its Identicom range of lone worker devices. We have worked with the NHS and other such interested stakeholders for more than 5 years and continue to meet their exacting requirements.

Connexion2 is committed to helping achieve a credible standard is set and will continue to contribute feedback on BS8484 to the BSI via the BSIA.

If you have a view on BS8484 or a question you'd like my view on then please drop me a line


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